Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Getting ready?

Hier ist Frau Tuinstra und ich blogge? zum ersten Mal! Danke dem Herrn Devereaux! Er ist wunderbar!
Seid ihr mit den Projekten bereit? Ich hoffe! "Dress Rehearsal" ist 26 Mai bei East!
Please plan to have overheads, handouts etc ready that day!
(really this is more of a test today, to see if I can really do this! :)
Frau T.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Heading for Fulda

Yes, it's official...the students from the Wauwatosa East and Wauwatosa West High School German programs will be heading for Fulda, Germany on June 14, 2009! - Stay connected to this blog-site for all the latest information from the GAPPers while they are in Germany. Periodically, a student or students will log into this account and post a story, anecdote, humorous situation, touching tale and a photo or two to go along with the blog entry. This promises to be the best place for catching up on all the interesting happenings abroad

"The German American Partnership Program (GAPP) is a non-profit high school exchange program between schools in Germany and the United States, sponsored by the German Foreign Office and by the US Department of State.The main objective of the Program is the integration of students into the everyday life of host families and into the classroom activities of host schools to provide them with a coherent intercultural experience.

Interested schools will find general information about present exchanges, participating schools, guidelines, deadlines and useful links within these pages. In addition, there are several forms available for download by current or prospective participants." - From the GAPP website HERE